Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Documentaries that have inspired me

Some of the things that first inspired me were documentaries. I love them. I love docs that make me want to be a better person and change the world. But many have inspired me to become a doula.

One of my favorites was Babies. It follows the first year of 4 different babies from all over the world. It is fun to see how different cultures treat babies/birth. And I just loved that there wasn't much speaking, and the film still said so much.

Of course the most inspiring movie I think I have ever seen was The business of being born. The executive director was Ricki Lake and the directer was Abby Epstein. It was so eye opening and touching. I was so excited when they did "More business of being born" also! I have yet to watch the 4 episodes but I plan to do so soon.

One of the first documentaries I ever watched was the miracle of life. I ended up re-watching it with all three of my pregnancies. It was fun to imagine what was happening inside of my body. I felt closer to my babies that way.

Another film I love is National Geographic's the science of babies. The whole idea of referring to a infant as "the human baby" is great. It makes you think about how we are just animals, after all.

And of course I am inspired by all of the many birthing shows on television. Such as a baby story, maternity ward, and I didn't know I was pregnant.

Clearly I was addicted to birth without even realizing it. :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

On Epidurals

A good friend of mine told me, "I do not need a Doula, I am getting an epidural." And while I understand why she would say that, I disagree. Although a mother who experiences a natural birth might seem to need more support, ALL laboring moms need support. As a Doula-in-training, I am learning so much about labor. I would love to support any woman, regardless of how she chooses to deal with the pain. Even a scheduled cesarean section birth mom needs support.

I am all for epidurals. I had one with all three of my children. My only regret is the side effects that happened afterward, that I did no research to educate myself about. My last birth was the worst. I experienced the worst tension headaches for a month after my epidural. Even when my baby was resting peacefully, I could not. The back of my head and neck hurt so much. I had no idea it could even happen, but it can.

My other experience with epidurals, it took me what seemed like FOREVER to walk again. At one point the nurse had to carry me to the toilet because she was insisting I empty my bladder, but I could not feel my legs enough to walk. That was definitely one of the most humiliating moments of my life, one I would not wish for anyone ever.

The decisions you make during your birth are so very personal. It is not my place, nor anyone else's to judge you based on those decisions. A doula's place is to support and encourage. And someday I truly hope to be a full fledged supportive Doula.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My reason

I have thought about becoming a Doula since before my second child was born. When we started trying to conceive, I read every birth book I could get my little hands on. It that I realized how little CHOICE and information I had been given during my first pregnancy and birth. I was only 18 and I basically just went along with whatever my doctor told me. I read a few birth books but I trusted my OB/GYN knew what she was doing. When I went into labor at 38 weeks 6 days, I waited until my contractions were 5 minutes apart and went to the hospital. They admitted me, started and IV and Pitocin without really asking me. After a while I was given an epidural. My water was broken for me. When it came time to push I was given an episiotomy and not even told about it.  That is the part that infuriates me the most, I was not given a choice.

It wasn't until I was 21 and I become more informed about birth that I became angry about my first one. I was determined to have a more natural birth the second time around. But then I was married. I was not the only one who had an opinion about the birth of our child. My husband was uncomfortable with the idea of me delivering our baby outside of a hospital. So in the end I delivered my second and third children at hospitals. And I still felt out-of-control. I felt that my husband would never understand because he is a man. 

And this is why I have a passion to become a doula. I feel that had I had an advocate that was there JUST for me, I would have been A LOT happier with how my births went. I want to be there to support other women in any way they need me. I intend to help my clients become educated about birth so they can make informed decisions It will not be my job to convince or change a woman's mind about her birth, it will be my pleasure to ensure she gets a birth experience that will bring on feelings of happiness rather then anger. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

World Prematurity Awareness Day

November 17th (today) is World Prematurity Awareness Day.  Currently 1 in 8 babies in the U.S. are born premature. Worldwide about 13 million are born too soon each year 13 million families go through.

To help support and honor this cause you can donate to March of Dimes. 

Babies should be born at least 39 weeks gestation because before that they may have complications and many health problems. Babe's organs need to mature in order to work properly once outside of the womb. Many premature babies have trouble feeding. Their tiny mouths are too small for mom's breast. Or they cannot suck and have to have a feeding tube inserted. My nephew who was born at 37 weeks could not properly digest regular formula or breast milk, he had to be on a special expensive formula for babes like him. 

Today I am sending my love to all the premie parents around the world. Every baby is a miracle, even more so are the tiny babes that must fight so hard to survive an early birth. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To become a Doula

A few days ago, I signed up to train with ToLabor (formally called ALACE) in January. There are many organizations and training programs out there to choose from. I chose ToLabor because I heard about a workshop near me happening soon.

Eventually I would also like to be DONA certified. I want to become a doula and someday, a midwife. I feel like this is my calling in life. I adore pregnancy and childbirth.

I don't know where to start, so I am starting here. I will blog my journey.