Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whooping cough

     Pertussis, also known as whooping cough has made a pretty significant outbreak in my state of Washington. My own midwife has suggested I get vaccinated for it when I am in the third trimester of my current pregnancy to protect the baby. The current vaccination schedule for infants doesn't have them vaccinated for pertussis until they are two months old.

     Here is a heart-breaking story of a newborn who died shortly after a healthy birth due to the disease. But there are also studies that show many vaccinated children are still getting it. More parents are still losing their children to pertussis. All of this information is completely heartbreaking to me!

     I have said this before and I still mean it - you should do your own research before deciding what to do regarding any health issue. And you should always discuss things such as vaccinations with your physician. I plan on telling all of my clients about this outbreak and encourage them to talk to their doctor or midwife about it. I vaccinate my children, I believe in them. If this is now how you feel, we will just have to disagree! I intend to get the pertussis vaccine again next trimester and hopefully it will protect my baby.