Friday, March 30, 2012

Eating the afterbirth

  Recently this subject has been what seems like everywhere and I was curious. As a doula, I am all for becoming educated on everything that has to do with birth. My own midwife asked me on Wednesday if I was interested in placenta encapsulation.

  I read articles like this one. All opinion and no actual facts. Sure a TV star ate her placenta, but what does that tell me? You can watch this video of the story also. Doesn't really help find any facts, but it was entertaining.

  I decided to do some research myself. You know, to see if there were any truth to what a lot of other doulas are saying about ingesting the placenta.

  Here is an article of someone's experience taking her own placenta vitamins. She says she regrets it. Very interesting read.

  I found this very helpful article. It basically says there have been no reliable or valid studies to prove any benefits of a human mammal eating its afterbirth.

  So my conclusion is that eating the placenta may or may not be helpful. There have been no studies to prove it right or wrong. I will not be encapsulating my placenta. If I have a client that is interested in doing it, I would support her 100% and help her make this happen. I just suggest everyone do their own research before doing something such as eating the afterbirth.

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